Tennis – Junior

Event Date:

July 20 – 21, 2025


Fair Oaks Tennis Center, Marietta

Registration Link:


If draws are not full, late entries can be accepted. Late entries may be accepted or placed on the alternate list, even if the draw is full, in the order received after entries received by the deadline. Entries received at the same time are ordered randomly. If the draw has been made, the Tournament Committee may accept only late entries of players who do not invalidate the seeding. Tournament Directors may charge an additional $10 for a late entry.

Refunds will only be given under the following circumstances:

• Entry received after maximum numbers of teams or individuals are bracketed.

• Insufficient number of teams or individuals entered.

• Entry received from a non-qualified athlete.

This is a USTA National Junior Level 6 tournament for boys and girls 12U – 18U players. This tournament is open for junior players regardless of ranking. You will receive an automated email if your player is selected, and your credit card is charged. Players and parents must return to the tournament page to view the draw and confirm the match times for their player.


All Players MUST complete a Georgia Games Google Waiver Prior to competing:


All players need to check-in at the registration desk prior to their first match.


The draw and match schedule will be posted by 6 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the tournament start date. Players placing 1st and 2nd place in the main draw and consolation will receive a Georgia Games Medals.


Singles: All players will play at least two matches with the FIC Quarter Finals consolation match format. Main draw and consolation match scoring for BG12-18 is 2 sets with a 10-pt match tiebreak at one set all. FIC through Quarterfinals, 3rd and 4th place playoffs. Draws will be split evenly using the waterfall method if there are more than 16 players. Groups of 5 or less players will play in a round robin format.

Doubles will be an 8 game proset with a 7- point set tiebreak played at 8 all. Single elimination with a 3/4 play-off.


This tournament carries with it USTA National Level 6 points per win. Maximum of 4 wins per division. Please click here for the point tables. 


This tournament will use the National Combined Standing List for player selection and for seeding.


For All Tournament And Registration System Questions Please Email:

For FAQs and Policies questions, click here.