Weightlifting – Power

Event Date:

May/June 21, 2025


 Iron beast Gym

Registration Link: https://event.racereach.com/gg_powerlifting

Open: now

Late Fee Begins May 24 ($5 additional)

Walk ups will be allowed at tournament for additional fee.

Refunds will only be given under the following circumstances:

• Entry received after maximum numbers of teams or individuals are bracketed.

• Insufficient number of teams or individuals entered.

• Entry received from a non-qualified athlete.

Age Groups

The same for males and females:

(Teens) 14-and under;

(Teens) 15-18;

(Junior) 19-23;

(Open) 24-34;

(Sub-masters) 35-39;

(Masters) 40-44; 45-49; 50-54;

55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 80+

Age is age as of the day of competition.

Weight classes are listed under the male/female tabs.

Weigh-in times:

5:30-7:30 pm the day before the competition &

8:00 am-9:00 am the day-of, at the venue.


Lifting will begin around 9:30am.

Competitors may lift in more than one class for an additional fee-$30 for the first class and $10 for each additional class.

Lifting singlets are encouraged, but not required. However, any other lifting apparel must be snug. Loose, or baggy shorts, sweats, and t-shirts will not be allowed for judging reasons.



For FAQs and Policies questions, click here.


$30 for first class

$10 for EACH additional class